Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Introducing Nanopress

So, as some of you know, I have been working on another project for René (and his sister, Marie Astrid) besides the convention.


My role here: I copyedited the/our first book (Blood from a Stone, by Élisabeth Vonarburg, edited by Howard Scott) and designed and built the website. René and I collaborated on the website text. I'll also be doing work on marketing and stuff like that. I suppose we'll handle how to talk about that stuff in more detail when we write the About Us.

I am really excited and happy about this.

Take a look at the website. I linked to it above.

And for the usual social networking crap:



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Small presses are cool, so good luck on you endeavour!

(I have one minor grumble about the website: usually when I come across a new site, unless it has something I really want to check out, the words "this site is optimized for" is enough to turn me away without reading any further.)